Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-parkland FL

Best Commercial Real Estate Loan in Parkland, FL

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Commercial real estate loans

Purchasing commercial property for either a new building or an existing one can be a large undertaking for a small business which may include a commercial real estate loan. Your company related to this type of lender, which is a number of respects resembles the residential mortgage for business land, relies on a number of factors that vary depending on the source of the loan. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing home loans to businesses of all types.

Commercial and industrial loans

Commercial and industrial loans are extensions of credit to individuals, businesses, and other companies of various types, whether secured or unsecured, single-payment, or installment-based.

Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-parkland FL

Multi-family loans

Whether you want to invest in a 5-story apartment building, enlarge an old quadplex, or have your first mobile home park, commercial interest financing is what most people want. Individuals often want to finance a real estate deal instead of putting a huge sum of cash into a regular business transaction.

Mixed-use loans

Mixed-use loans allow building companies and real estate developers to find loans. Buildings that are part of mixed-use developments are usually designed for residential, business, or industrial use. In the case of mixed-use loans, the duration varies from six months to 30 years. Our property loan specialists will help you determine the best loan to meet your needs, no matter where you are located. We specialize in Mixed-Use Land Loans at Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale in Parkland.

Construction loans

These short-term or higher interest rate loans are loans that tend to cover the costs of building a property or remodeling facilities. The investor grants a construction finance loan to the contractor, not to the developer, in installments until thresholds are met. It is then viable to have these construction loans converted into permanent mortgages. The way to purchase a property is quick and easy, but the lending procedure may be complicated. Think of the different lending types and how to choose the right provider. That is when you need to contact the experts.

Private money loans

We specialize in hard money-backed real estate for our clients who have had difficulty accessing regular financing. Can’t get a loan from a typical lender in Parkland? You’re going to love working with us. We have helpful options even though you’re self-employed, have a low FICO credit score, or even if you don’t have complete proof of earnings.

Hard money loans

Are you a real estate developer or a landowner looking for hard financial money?. Hard money loans are inexpensive loans secured by real estate, and it’s an easy way to access money without using slower traditional bank lenders. Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale in Parkland specializes in providing quick cash for real estate loans if you’re not qualified for a traditional bank loan or just need swift hard cash. Please call our team today and one of our experts will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.