Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-lighthouse point FL

Best Commercial Real Estate Loan in Lighthouse Point, FL

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Commercial Real Estate Loans

Commercial property lending enables the financing of income-generating real estate to be built, the refinancing and restructuring of existing property borrowing, and the buying of loans in distress or not (NPLs). Much of the loans are used to support new real estate investment/acquisition or to refinance existing assets. Most of the remainder are devoted to building and unsecured property loans.

Commercial industrial loans

Like buying a home and having a mortgage, you’re always going to take a mortgage anytime you buy a commercial property. Commercial real estate loans allow businesses to purchase or refurbish the property and finance it with a loan. In the majority of commercial loans, the property would be owned by the investor, ensuring that 51% or more of the property would be physically occupied by the company. If the property is not held by controlling owners, creditors can instead check for an investment property loan.

Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-lighthouse point FL

Mixed-use loans

Support for mixed-use facilities applies to properties made up of a number of buildings, including residential, industrial, manufacturing, and educational districts, for a number of purposes. Mixed-use financial assistance is required for just about any building with at least two different use units.

Business owners and real estate investors are looking for a mixed loan for the land. Corporate owners often live and operate in industrial premises in one of the residential units, whereas real estate developers typically act as landlords for residential and commercial tenants.

Multi-family loans

Commercial multi-family loans can be short-term or long-term loans for multi-family real estate expansion, procurement, or even reconstruction for which five or more units are available. Typically, loans start at around $500,000 and reach tens of millions. Interest rates, time rates, debt limits, and down payment terms may vary depending on the particular funding program.

Private money loans

Private money loans – or private money – is a term used to define a loan from a private institution to a party or a corporation or even a rich person. The corporation or entity is known to be a private loan of capital. Private money is normally offered to creditors without the conventional approval requirements that a bank or a lending company requires.

Hard money loans

A hard money loan often referred to as a bridge loan, is a short loan used before the owner or corporation secures or waives the mortgage by selling the property on a continuous basis. The average value of hard-money loans is higher than conventional loans or bank loans and is written off over a shorter period of time. Typical hard money loans or bridge loans last 12 and 18 months. Talk to a professional today at Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale in Lighthouse Point to see whether you can apply.

Construction Loans

Building Loans is a crucial step when a business is started or expanded. Any business needs a workspace, but the building of a new facility or the remodeling of the existing space is expensive. Commercial construction loans are designed to allow you to meet these costs and to set up and maintain your business.

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.