Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-dania beach FL

Best Commercial Real Estate Loan in Dania Beach, FL

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Commercial Real Estate Loans

Commercial real estate loans are meant to assist borrowers in buying new commercial buildings, renovating properties, or refinancing the mortgage on their own real estate. However, commercial real estate loans work in the same way as traditional home loans for individuals, although some of the key differences are understandable to small business owners.

Commercial and industrial loans

Commercial and industrial loans are usually a short-term method for financing a business purchase or expansion. Since such loans are backed up in the form of assets acquired by the company by leverage, interest rates are typically lower than many other types of financing.

Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale-dania beach FL

Multi-Family Loans

The property of two to four separate apartments in a common structure consists of several family dwellings. For example, a duplex is a typical design for a two-unit home, with the house often divided into one side and the middle and separate living room. Buying a duplex or multi-family house will provide you with consistent income, long-term equity, and, in some cases, ensuring that you have a place to live in, in the immediate future.

Mixed-Use Loans

Although mixed-use projects can have a residential component, many people may not know that they are commonly referred to as commercial properties. That requires a commercial loan from investors who want to use a mortgage to purchase the same property.

We are a specialist in mixed-use land loans at Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale in Dania Beach. So, whether you are a private owner, an LLC, or a Mixed-Use property or need a refinancer on your Mixed-Use loan contact us. Our dedicated commercial real estate financing division is here to assist you. One of our experienced mortgage loan consultants would find the right innovative loan scheme to support you to achieve your goals.

Construction loans

Building loans are provided to finance construction and labor costs of structures, such as offices, retail centers, and industrial premises. If the undeveloped property is already purchased, it can be used as collateral for the construction loan (as can the building materials).

Private Money Loans

Private money lending – or just private financing – is a term used to describe a loan issued by a private enterprise or even a wealthy individual to a single person or corporation. The corporation or person is known as a lender of private money.

Hard Money Loans

Hard money is a type of mortgage without the use of traditional loans. Loans are dependent on individuals or friends who lend capital to land that you use (in most cases) as collateral. They are a type of real estate-backed loan. Hard money loans are referred to as “last choice” loans. These loans are often seen in real estate transactions, with the provider typically being a company or individuals and not a bank.

You now know more about what types of loans are available and how they work so that you can build a larger and more profitable business. For our professional assistance with any loans, please contact us at the Commercial Real Estate Loan Pros of Fort Lauderdale in Dania Beach.

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.